Useful Links


All downloads are provided as either PDF, Word or Excel documents. For information on using PDF documents please refer to the Adobe website and download Adobe Reader.

The information on Laterial Flow Testing for Covid-19 has now been moved to the end of the download section as it is not so relevant now.


2024 Information.

2024 H&D ARA Fixture List. Download in pdf format HERE. 


Club Forms

Event Forms

Race Officials

Race Officials Race Reports. In order to simplify race reporting for all full and assistant race officials, an online Race Report form has been created which you can fill in online and submit - it will go directly to Penny Budd, Association Secretary and Martinn Bradbeer who summarises the completed form and the Race Official completing the form will also receive a copy.

To access the form, click on the link below:
A reminder that all Full and Assistant Officials should be completing a report after each event (either Regatta of Head Race if run under H&D rules).


Other Race Officials forms -



2024.  Information. pdf version of 2023/2024 Handbook. 

2023.  Information. pdf version of 2023/2024 Handbook.

2022. Information. pdf version of 2022/2023 Handbook.

2021. Information.  pdf version of 2021/2022 Handbook.

2020. Information. pdf version of 2020/2021Handbook.

2019 Information. pdf version of  2019/2020 Handbook

2018 Information. pdf verion of 2018/2019 Handbook

2017 Information. pdf verion of 2017/2018 Handbook

Minutes of Meetings.

Annual General Meetings:

Autumn Delegates Meetings: for the minutes of Autumn Delegates Meetings prior to 2013, including a report on that years South Coast Championship Regatta - see archive section.

Autumn Council Meetings.

End of Season Council Meeting. (Confirmation of H&D Champions & representative crews).

  Racing Officials Meetings:

Safety Meetings:


 Handbook archive - pdf verion


Laterial Flow Testing for Covid-19.

To all H&D Club Committees & Captains

Many of you will have heard about - or indeed already take part in - lateral flow testing to check for a presence of Covid-19. Lateral flow testing is a quick and easy way for you to check to see if a trace of the Covid-19 virus is present in you in order to protect your family, friends, colleagues and fellow club members. Lateral flow tests are free and can be picked up from local test centres or pharmacies or they can be ordered online and delivered to your home.

As an Association, the H&D welcomes any means in which our members and athletes can train and compete safe in the knowledge that they are not going to potentially spread Covid-19 to their fellow athletes and supporters. We therefore, highly recommend clubs looking into advocating regular lateral flow testing to its members and, by providing information, clubs can continue the excellent work which they have been undertaking in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of their members and wider local community.

We have outlined some basic information on lateral flow testing which may be helpful for messaging out to members and have also provided a poster which may be useful for your club facilities. 

copy of the letter sent to Clubs.


Information on Lateral Flow tests.

Whilst lateral flow testing is not mandatory for any organisation; as an association; we are fully committed to providing our members and clubs with information and advice on the best practise to keep our members and their communities safe whilst helping ensure that our clubs and sport remain open and active.