Wessex Regional Contacts
Web Site http://wsecr-rowing.org/
- Colin Eales
- 13 Victoria Grove, Southsea, Hampshire, PO5 1NE
- 02392 811354
- colin@eales.org.uk
Vice Chairman
- Phil McCorry
- Phil.McCorry@eastsussex.gov.uk
Hon. Secretary
- Penny Budd
- 5 Wodehouse Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 2EA
- 02380 447845
- pennyrowing@gmail.com
Hon. Treasurer
- Alex Sweeny
- 18 Albert Grove, Southsea, Hampshire, PO5 1NG
- Home: 02392 291016
- Mobile: 07973104223
- treasurer@wessexrowing.org
Junior Commission/Junior Coordinator(s)
- for Wessex/H&D.
- Richard Boulton
- rb@bryanston.co.uk
- for South East Coast.
- Nick McCorry
- nmccorry@bexhillhigh.e-sussex.sch.uk
Coaching Commission/Coach Education
- for Wessex/H&D.
- To be appointed.
Veteran/Masters Commission
- Geoff Watling
- jeffrey.watling@btinternet.com
Rowing Safety Advisor
- For Wessex/H&D.
- Stephen Bull
- 10 Brookfield Gardens, Binstead, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 3NP
- Home: 01983 566481
- Mobile: 07786034941
- stephencbull@googlemail.com
- For South East Coast & Deputy.
- Phil McCorry.
- phil_mccorry@hotmail.com
Wessex Regional Participation Development Officer
- Berkshire, Hampshire, IOW, Oxfordshire and Surrey.
- Maks Orzel
- maksorzel@britishrowing.org
- West
- Rhiannon Bailey.
BR Education & Training Manager.
- Kerry Wardell.
- 31, Grove Place, Sholing, Southampton, SO19 9QY
- kerry.wardell@britishrowing.org
Recreational Rowing
- Mike Gilbert
- 21 Langstone High Street, Havant, Hampahire, PO9 1RY
- 07767350512
- mike@langstonerowing.co.uk
Welfare Officer
- Penny Budd
- 5 Wodehouse Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 2EA
- 02380 447845
- penny@zzingmarketing.com