Entry details for the the Head of the Stour on Sunday, 10th March.

Entry details for the the Head of the Stour on Sunday, 10th March have now been added to its Calender entry on the home page of the Hants & Dorset ARA Web site at - www.hdara.co.uk
Entry details for the the Head of the Stour on Sunday, 10th March have now been added to its Calender entry on the home page of the Hants & Dorset ARA Web site at - www.hdara.co.uk
I believe that all the changes I have received with regards to the contact details of the affiliated clubs - in preperation for this years Handbook - have now bee updated on the H&DARA web site - as will as Event Secretaries and the list of Race Officials following the race Officials meeting. There are three Clubs that have yet to submit their details - Dolphin, Lymington and Southsea - and so their details on the web site may be out of date. If you sport any other errors please send me the details on stephencbull@gmail.com.
Steve Bull. Hon Secretary.
The Minutes of the 2019 H&DARA Race Officials Meeting of 12/1/19 have now been E Mailed to all Club and Event Secretaries, Association Executive Officers and Full and Assistant Race Officials - and can be downloaded in pdf format from the Associations Web site at - www.hdara.co.uk Go to "Downloads" Tab and scroll down to "Minutes of Meetings" "Race Officials Meeting".
Some information regrding this years South Coast Rowing Championships at dartmouth on the 14th September is beginning to filter through. All H&DARA Affiliated Clubs should have received two E Mail Bulletions from Hilary Bastone - the Regatta Secretary by now and these have also now been published on the H&D ARA Web site at - www.hdara.co.uk Go to the Home page under the SCC Regatta Tab.
Further down on this page you will also see a statement and can download a Power Point Presentation from the H&DARA regarding venue and date for the 2020 South Coast Rowing Champiponships - the next the H&DARA is due to host. Note the information, results etc.. for the 2017 Championships, hosted by the H&DARA at Dorney Lake - has now been moved to the "History" pages on the SCC Regatta Tab.
Following to H&DARA Race Officials Meeting of 12/1/19 - but subject to approval at the 2019 H&DARA AGM the list of Full and Assistant Race Officials available in 2019 has been updated on the Web Site at www.hdara.co.uk
Go to Personal Tab and then then "Officials" on drop-sown.
Event Secretaries will be sent a list of those officials that are available for their event by the end of March, 2019 - the availability for head races will be sent out earlier.