Message received from Jimmy Jewell, Ex WEARA & Bideford Reds - and the editor of the H&D Handbook who is helping to try and set up a new rowing club - Alton RC on Alton Water, Suffolk. Its slightly larger than Wimbleball Lake and Peter has been fortunate to secure an area of land around the lake for storing equipment.
The club is currently a “blank canvas” and is about to be registered with BR as “Alton RC of 2012”. There are several starting points to develop the club, one of which is procuring equipment (beg, steal or borrow!).
In particular, the club is looking for all forms of boats in reasonable condition, training boats/aids, riggers and blades, in fact anything that would help.
Jimmy has asked me to circulate all H & D clubs asking if they have equipment surplus to requirements or willing to loan for a fixed period of time. The club has no funds so any surplus equipment would have to be a gift and any loan equipment a free loan. Any equipment offered will be collected from site.
H&D clubs can contact me by e-mail
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