River Heads offering Coastal Events.

You will remember that one of the objectives of the Wessex SE Coast Regional Plan was to encourage participation in the autumn and winter heads on the River Thames. Many clubs have already participated in the autumn head racing season in river boats but this is about opportunities to race in coastal boats in three head races between December and February. The following Head Races are open to coastal crews:
Teddington Head Sat 3rd December - entries to Diane Graham dianehwr@hotmail.co.uk
Weybridge Head Sat 21st January – entries through BROE but I am working of that.
Burway Head Sat 25th February – enties to Burway Captain mailto:captain@burwayrowingclub.co.uk
Please note that non BROE entries do not require BR membership!
Southsea already have the above events on their calendar and we would very much like some competition from other coastal clubs/crews. I am very happy to let you know the status of crews we are likely to be entering in these races to help ensure we have good completion
In addition to the above may I remind you of the following events already posted on the Hants and Dorset web site:
Head of Stour Sun 12th March
Southampton 4+Head Sat 1st April
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