The Energise Me Awards 2017 are now open for nominations.

The Energise Me Awards 2017 are now open for nominations. The awards recognise commitment, performance and excellence across physical activity and sport. The wide range of categories ensures that recognition is given to elite performers as well as teams, clubs and stalwarts of the local sporting community, such as coaches, officials and volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to help athletes clubs and activities to succeed. There are 11 categories in total, which include:
Categories are as follows;
Club of the Year
Coach of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
Junior Sports Person
Senior Sport Person
Official of the Year
Outstanding Achievement
Energise Me – Making a difference
Team of the Year
Active Workplace
Service to Sport
Anyone can nominate and the closing deadline for nominations is TUESDAY 31st January 2017. For full details including category criteria and access to the online nomination forms please Please note the nomination form has capacity to allow nominators to nominate in a number of categories within the same submission.
If you have any queries please get in touch with;
Harry Stow
Sports Development Officer (Performance)
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