BTC & Wessex & South East Coastal RRC Boat Launch

B.T.C. (SOUTHAMPTON) ROWING CLUB. You are invited on behalf of B.T.C Rowing Club and the Wessex & South East Coastal Regional Rowing Council to their New Coastal Four Launch On Saturday 25th March 2017
Arriving 10.30am Launch at 11am At B.T.C Boathouse, Crosshouse Road, Southampton, SO14 5GZ.
We would love a representative or more from your club to attend the launching of the first Wessex Craft Racing Boat designed by Design Craft Ltd and Funded by Wessex & SE CRRC. A presentation will be made, then the
boat's first race followed by refreshments in the Clubhouse. Club blazers or smart casual. Bar Drinks and Buffet will be available on the day.
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