Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Associations South Coast Rowing Handbook - 2017/2018

Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Associations South Coast Rowing Handbook - 2017/2018.
The 217/2018 Hants & Dorset ARA Handbook has now been published and will be distributed to the Associations Executive Officers, Live Vice Presidents Affiliated Club and Event Secretaries and Full and Assistant Race Officials - along with Officers of the Wessx Regional Rowing Council and British Rowing - over the next few weeks. Bulk copies for Clubs will probably be distributed at Ryde Regatta to save postage.
Also as part of the communication package for the 2017 South Coast Rowing Championships a copy will be sent to all South Coast Council Members qand the WEARA and CARA Affiliated Clubs and their Association Secretaries.
It can also be downloaded in pdf format from the Associatiosn web site at - www.hdara.co.uk - go to downloads tab - and scroll down to the 2017 information section.
The Handbook contains a wealth of information about the Association and its affiliated Clubs and Regatta's and the South Coast Championships.
It should noted that while every effort was made to ensure the information is as accurate as possible no responsibility can be taken for errors and omissions especially from those Clubs that failed to respond in time to requests for information or changes that have taken place since 20th March when the handbook went to print.
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