Public Liability Insurance via British Rowing. UPDATE.

Public Liability Insurance via British Rowing. UPDATE.
Most of you will be aware that we have a long standing agreement with British Rowing that subject to certain conditions being met and the appropriate payment being made they will allow H&D ARA Events use their Public Laibility Insurance for their events. Earlier this year BR advised that this would no longer be possible due to their insurers revising the conditions imposed on "non-affiliated" competiotions and stating that they must be -
- under British Rowing Rules of Racing
- in full compliance of RowSafe, with the appropriate risk assessments documentation provided
- with current British Rowing umpires
- with a Race Committee of at least 3 Umpires in order to comply with the Rules of Racing.
The Association has been in negoiations with BR regarding this and we are now pleased to be able to advise our affiliated Clubs and events that BR are now able to to confirm that they are able to continue to provide insurance to all Hants and Dorset competitions - should any H&D event require it.
Whie still waiting confirmation from BR on the process - we assume that this will be as in previous years - i.e. Events apply direct to BR for cover - and the Regions RSA confirm that the correct documents are in place and that they have been checked - and BR will then issue the Public Laibility Insurance Certificate on payment of the appropriate fee which was £120 in 2017. We believe the contact as BR is still - Sarah Leys -
Steve Bull. Association Secretary.
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