Bournemouth Regatta. Saturday, 4th August, 2018 - is back on!

Further to the Associations E Mail to Clubs of Wednesday, 25th April regarding the decision by Bournemouth Rowing Club that, after a number of weeks of deliberation and exploring all the options they will not be able to host a regatta this year and following a discussion between the H&D Executive Officers and Bournemouth and Poole Rowing Clubs and consultation with the H&D Clubs at Coalporters Regatta am I am pleased to be able to announce that the Bournemouth Regatta is back on.
The Regatta will take place, as planned, on Saturday, 4th August at Hamworthy Park, Poole (the venue for Poole Regatta) and will be organised on behalf of Bournemouth Rowing Club - by Poole Rowing Club - with the support of the Association - which was a very generous offer by Poole R. C. for which the Association thanks them.
The plan is that -
Poole organise Bournemouth Regatta at Hamworthy Park on the 4th August - with the support of the H&D Clubs.
Will be known as Bournemouth Regatta and use their Trophies.
H&D ARA will "underwrite" the event in case of cancellation and for any losses.
Any profits will be donated to Bournemouth Rowing Club.
While Poole Rowing Club will take on the bulk of the organisation and administration of the Regatta on Bournemouth and the Associations behalf the support of all the Associations Clubs is needed - and in particular the assistance of other clubs in the refreshment tent is crucial, as this is where we can make some money for Bournemouth - but Poole having put up and taken down the food tent, control tent and first aid, and if needs be purchased all the food and drink they could claim to have done their bit. So Clubs are requested to offer their support - with volunteers - in this area - and their maybe other areas hi-lighted where support will be needed.
Further details will follow in due course.
Steve Bull. Association Secretary.
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