Swanage H&DARA Championship Regatta. Saturday, 23rd June, 2018.

Once again, on behalf of the Association can I thank you all for the part you played in what I believe was a really successful regatta. Its popularity remains as high as ever - with, according to my records 175 entries - after late entries received - which is probably another record (171 in 2016?) and will almost certainly be the highest entry at an H&D Regatta this with the exception of the duel association event at Southsea.
We did have a few issues but they were relatively minor and to the great credit of the Race Officials and the competitors the regatta started around eight minutes early and finished on time - a significant improvement on the previous year which finished around 80 minutes late - although the huge entry and forty-seven events that this years regatta required (another record?) meant that the Regatta still did not finish until around 6.20 and it was after 7 by the time the prize giving was completed.
However we did not have a repeat of some of the previous years issues - with the three safety boats performing well and the location of the First Aiders resolved - and the tidy-up and litter clearance - policed by Southsea worked well - and I cant believe there is any possibility of a repeat of the complaint received last year - I think the beach was clearer when we left than when we arrived? The changes that we put in place, at Swanage Town Councils insistence regarding vehicle and trailer movement, policed by Southampton appeared to work well with all Towing Vehicles and Boat Trailers behaving impeccably, with the exception of one, and boat loading went without a hitch although there was some congestion and we need to have a plan for that to work a bit more smoothly.
The risk of thanking Clubs and individuals is that I will miss someone - but here goes - the Race Officials (will E Mail separately), Controllers and Commentators of course - including Assistants Nigel Perry and Andrew Stewart who did a great job of boat marshaling - helping to keep the regatta on time; BTC for the PA system; Denny Woodford for the Trophies; Sue for Regatta Control, contact with Swanage Council - and so much more - plus Alison and Clare from Poole at Regatta control; Poole for the Control Tent, the Tables and chairs and for a safety boat; Christchurch and Lymington and Pete Locke for safety boats; Pete Staddon from Christchurch and Andy Williams from Coalporters for laying the course plus Pete for all the other things he dose - Radios, Boat Marshal, receiving and sorting out the cups etc... etc..; Tim Bull - for the program and more; Ryde & Josie for the Officials lunches; Southampton for manning the gate; Southampton for checking and bringing the safety kits and officials Life Jackets; any additional volunteer crews for the safety boats - not sure if there were any; Kevin and Sharon from Neaves for storing and transporting the buoys and weights - and Kevin for commentating - pretty much all day and Southsea for policing and undertaking the litter clear-up. I will have missed someone - sorry!
As always the Association welcomes any constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.
With the thanks of the Association once again.
Steve Bull. Association Secretary and Swanage Regatta.
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