IW Regatta Weekend. Camping at Ryde and Sunday Morning Breakfasts.

After protracted negotiations, certain assurances on our behalf and payment of additional fees I am pleased to be able to advise visiting Clubs that our local authority, the Isle of Wight Council has agreed, once again, to allow the camping in Appley Park, next to the Ryde R. C. Clubhouse to continue. However additional restrictions and conditions have been imposed that the Club and its visitors must comply with or risk being prevented from camping at future Regatta’s.
No one will be allowed to Camp in the Park overnight on the day before the Regatta – the night of Friday 17th May. Subject to numbers involved the Club will allow members of visiting clubs to sleep in the Clubhouse overnight on the 17th May.
Camping in the Park will be allowed overnight on the 18th May, the day of the Regatta, however the following conditions will be imposed –
1) Clubs must notify Ryde R. C. of their intention to camp overnight on the 18th with approximate numbers by the 15th May.
2) Camping will only be allowed in the designated area by the Ryde R. C. Clubhouse and must not spread into the park as it has in the past.
3) No Tents can be erected until 4.00pm on Saturday, 18th May – and all must be taken down by 9.00pm on Sunday, 19th May.
4) No BBQ’s are allowed in the camping area.
The facilities of the Ryde R. C. Clubhouse will be made available to the members of visiting Clubs who are camping.
Please advise Ryde R. C. by 30th May at the latest if you intend to make use of this opportunity at the reply to address above or by E Mail to – stephencbull@googlemail.com or by calling 01983 566481 or 07786 034941.
As in past years Ryde Rowing Club are offering a full English Breakfast for those who are interested on the day after Ryde Regatta (the day of Shanklin Regatta) - SUNDAY, 19th MAY, 2019 - served in the Ryde R. C. Clubhouse, Appley Park, Ryde.
On SATURDAY, 18th MAY - a BBQ Breakfast will be available in the Clubhouse from around 8.00am - without the need to book in advance.
The breakfast on Sunday will cost just £3.00* if ordered in advance and will consist of:-
(Subject to change at short notice
Breakfast will be served from around 7.30am, subject to the start time of Shanklin Regatta. If breakfasts are to be served earlier Clubs will be advised of the time when the tickets are sent out.
*A limited number of breakfasts will probably be available for purchase on the day - but these will cost £4.00 each.
Could Clubs please forward names and money, at £3.00 per breakfast to the "reply to" address to be received not later than Wednesday, 15th May. Receipts will be forwarded for exchange for the breakfast or handed over on the day. Please note if you are unable to present your ticket we reserve the right to refuse to serve you or charge the purchased on the day rate of £4.00 a positive response from at least ten people – (that is ten in total - not from each Club) will be required to justify these catering arrangements. Payment can be made by electronic transfer to: Account number – 36292176. Sort Code – 07-01-16. Please put Club name in reference field and send E Mail to josiembull@googlemail.com to confirm method of payment.
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