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Club Documents for the Season.

The package of documents for the Club for the 2019 season have been E Mailed out to Clubs today - they can also be downloaded from the H&D ARA Website at -

Go to "Downloads" Tab and scroll down to Club Forms.

These were -

1) Registration List for 2019 Season. Note - New Excel Format. Must be returned to the newly appointed ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION AND RESULTS OFFICER - Gary Joyce at - at least seven days before the first Championship Regatta

The First Regatta is – LYMINGTON/MILFORD-ON-SEA - on Saturday 11th May, 2019 - so registrations to be received by Saturday, 4th MAY, 2019.

Enter ALL active members of your Club in their proper status. Note - no regression. No Championship Point will be awarded unless name's registered. First and second names if possible.


2) Event Entry Forms. H&D Entry form (Excel based). Used to enter crews for H&D Events and sent to Event Secretaries. 

The Association is to continue to use the Excel based Entry Form as it should be easier for event and entries secretaries to sort, merge, cut, copy and paste - plus their are "drop-down" menus for the Club, Regatta, Even/Boat/Type/Status and crew designation - and the Entry Fee column should add up the total.
The form is attached and can also be downloaded from the H&DARA Web site at -  Go to downloads Tab and scroll down to "2019 Information" - "Club Forms".      


3) Notification of alteration to Regatta Entry Form. Handed to Event controller before the start of the event. 

Used to record late entries, scratching’s or notify crew changes to Regatta Secretary/Controller on the day of the Regatta.

4) Points Claim Form.

Note New Excel based form.  

Used to claim Championship points for winning/first H&D crews.

Must be returned to the newly appointed ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION AND RESULTS OFFICER - Gary Joyce at - within seven days of the points win. 

5) Additional Registration Form.  

Note New Excel based form.

Used to register additional oarsman/women during the season.

NOTE: Registration is required 7 days before they race.

Must be returned to the newly appointed ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION AND RESULTS OFFICER - Gary Joyce at - at least seven days before they race.   

All documents can be submitted by E Mail - and will be acknowledged - if acknowledgement not received within 3 days please re-send.

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