British Rowing Webinar series.
We wanted to let you know that British Rowing is soon to announce a programme of webinars that will cover some of the educational opportunities that have been lost by the cancellation of our events. As the current situation develops we also plan to provide coaches and athletes with real life stories and expert advice that will help BR members deal with the current scenario and plan for the future.
The first webinar in the series is Clean Sport 1 and will take place on Thursday 3rd April at 7pm. To register for this webinar please click on the following link:
“In this presentation Dan Cooper talks through the responsibilities that those involved in sport have under the 2015 WADA code and gives tips on how to train and compete clean.”
This presentation is open to coaches, athletes and parents so please do forward it onto those who you feel would benefit. Attendance and participation counts as your Anti-doping education for the year.
There are 100 places on this webinar. If demand exceeds this then we will set up more sessions in the future.
The BR Education and Training Team
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