H&D Championship Presentation Dinner. Saturday, 13th November, 2021. Novotel, Southampton.

The annual H&D Championship Presentation Dinner will take place on Saturday 13th November at the Novotel, Southampton.
There will be a 3 course meal with tea/coffee/mints, a free photo booth, raffle and DJ. The evening starts at 7pm with dinner being served at 7.30pm prompt. Tickets are £29.50 per person.
All ticket bookings should be organised through your club. If each club could provide a spreadsheet with the names of the individuals attending and their menu choices and send over to Paula Williams no later than the 31st October, it would be much appreciated. Please can all payment for tickets be also sent to Paula and bank details are on the poster.
We look forward to welcoming all of our championship winners and their club members for the first dinner together since 2019.
Kind regards
Penny Budd - Association Secretary
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