Hants & Dorset ARA Water Safety Meeting. Saturday, 26th February 2022 at 11.00am. SOUTHAMPTON ROWING CLUB.

Hants & Dorset ARA Water Safety Meeting.
Hants & Dorset ARA Club and Event Safety Advisors and/or Club and Event Secretaries or their representatives are invited to attend a meeting of the Hants & Dorset ARA Water Safety Committee to be held at SOUTHAMPTON ROWING CLUB, Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton. SO19 7GA on Saturday, 26th February 2022 at 11.00am – unless any further Covid-19 restrictions are imposed.
Representatives of Non-Hants & Dorset ARA affiliated Wessex West Region Clubs are also invited and are welcome to attend – but should be aware that much of the content of the meeting relates specifically to Hants & Dorset ARA Clubs.
1) Apologies
2) Minutes of the last meeting. Note: copy attached and previously circulated – and a copy can be downloaded from the Hants & Dorset ARA Web site at – www.hdara.co.uk. See downloads section- meetings.
3) RRSA’s Report (Report to H&D Autumn Delegates Meeting/Wessex Region AGM) [See attached]
4) To receive a report on the British Rowing National Water Safety Committee Meetings.
5) BR Row Safe.
6) BR Club Safety Audits.
7) On-Line Incident Reporting – analysis of 13th year – and stats from BR.
8) Safety incidents Reported by H&D (& Wessex) Clubs in 2021 and at 2021 Hants & Dorset Events.
9) Boat Inspections & Regatta/Event Audits.
10) To review Association Safety equipment including status after the 2021 season (Gary Joyce) including the Association owned defibrillator.
11) Public Liability Insurance at Events.
12) Format of the Hants & Dorset Water Safety Committee.
13) Venue for 2023 Meeting.
14) Any other business.
We would ask any of you attending this meeting to complete a Lateral Flow Test before arrival at the Southampton Club and if this is positive or if you have any Covid-19 symptoms or feel unwell not to attend. In addition we would ask you all to sign in on a register for NHS Track and Trace purposes, and to use the hand sanitizer that is available at the Clubhouse.
Steve Bull. Joint H&D ARA Joint Association Secretary/Wessex Region RRSA. February 2022.
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