Revised H&D Entry form (Excel based) to be trialled in 2018.

Revised H&D Entry form (Excel based) to be trialled in 2018.
The Hants and Dorset Rules and Competitions Sub Committee agreed at its meeting of Tuesday, 20th March, 2018 at BTC Rowing Club to trial a new format for the standard H&D Entry form this season - which is Excel based - although the old word based form will still be available. This decision was endorsed by the Hants & Dorset ARA AGM on Saturday, 24th March, 2018.
The form is based on - with some minor amendments - the Excel based Entry form produced by Tim Bull and used by most Clubs for last years Swanage Regatta which made the production of the program and draw much easier and appeared to be popular with the Clubs.
The form includes all the information that is on the existing form but as an Excel based spreadsheet it should be easier for event and entries secretaries to sort, merge, cut, copy and paste - plus their are "drop-down" menus for the Club, Regatta, Even/Boat/Type/Status and crew designation - and the Entry Fee column should add up the total.
No doubt there will be some teething problems and suggestions for improvements - please let me know by E Mailing -
The new form has been E mailed to Club & Event Secretaries and can also be downloaded from the H&DARA Web site at - Go to downloads Tab and scroll down to "2018 Information" or "Club Forms" - further down the page.
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