H&D ARA Registration 2018. + BR Revised competition structure. Issue of translation from BR new Ranking Index System (PRIs) s to H&D Status and vice versa.

Clubs must register ALL active members in their proper status. Member may be prevented from rowing/sculling in any race unless so entered.
5.1. At least 7 days before the first regatta of the season each affiliated club must register with the Association a list of all oarsman/woman who will be racing for the Club with their status.).
This form must completed and returned to Steve Bull, Association Secretary, 10, Brookfield Gardens, Binstead, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 3NP at least seven days before the first Regatta. It can be E Mailed to stephencbull@gmail.com
The First Regatta is – COALPORTERS - on Saturday 5th May, 2018 - so registrations to be received by Saturday, 28th APRI, 2018.
Note: BR Revised competition structure. Issue of translation from BR new Ranking Index System (PRIs) s to H&D Status and vice versa.
This has been discussed at several H&DARA Rules and Competitions Sub Committee Meetings and at the Associations AGM on the 24th March, 2018 - where the following was agreed -
For translation from H&D status to PRIs it was agreed to allow H&D rowers to accumulate PRIs in the same way as any other person, by racing in river events and accumulating PRIs, which are separate for rowing, sculling and coxing.
For translation between PRIs and HD Status it is very difficult to cross translate because we are comparing a system based on side by side racing with one which takes account of all results, including head races. So f
or 2018 the following is proposed -
If rowers with previous river experience wish to row in H&D events they should be members of an H&D Club and registered with the H&D to race. Club secretaries will be expected to declare the number of BROE side by side finals won by the river rower, plus any BR points and PRIs and agree with the H&D Secretary & his fellow Executive Officers if necessary a suitable status for the individual concerned, sculling and/or rowing. The intention being to ensure fair competition all round.
The H&DARA Executive are relying on the Clubs to make an honest appraisal of an oarsman/oarswomen's status.
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