H&D ARA Rules Amended at AGM of 24/3/18.

H&D ARA Rules Amended at AGM of 24/3/18.
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association on Saturday, 24th March the meeting approved the Rules changes agreed at the Autumn Council Meeting of Saturday, 21st October amending the Associations Status Rules and Championship Event Rules to bring them in line with existing/historical practise whereby the H&D Secretary, whilst withholding the awarding of the H&D Championship point for contravention of the registration rule has interpreted the win as a qualifying win under the H&D Status rules and the rule relating to the award of additional Championship medals so that these could be awarded at the Associations Presentation Dinner.
pdf copies of the amended H&DARA Championship Event Rules and H&DARA Status Rules and a complete set of the amended Rules less the constitution can also be downloaded from the H&DARA web site at www.hdara.co.uk - go to the Rules Tab and scroll down.
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