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Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Associations South Coast Rowing Handbook - 2020/2021.

Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Associations South Coast Rowing Handbook - 2020/2021.

Over the next few days Executive Officers, Life Vice Presidents, Club and Event Secretaries and Racing Officials should receive in the post there copy of the Hants & Dorset Amateur Rowing Associations South Coast Rowing Handbook - for 2020/2021.

Please accept my apologies for the delay in publication and distribution – which was impacted by the Covid-19 restrictions – printers etc... The decision to go ahead with publication in spite of the difficulties of Covid-19 and delays was taken as the booklet provides a useful record of the previous year’s activities.

Once again this year the handbook has been produced by Hants & Dorset ARA and contains a wealth of information about the Association and its affiliated Clubs and Regatta's and the South Coast Championships.

The Handbook's are being distributed to the Associations Executive Officers, Life Vice Presidents, Club Secretaries, Event Secretaries, and Full & Assistant Racing Officials. One copy is being sent to Executive Officers, Life & Vice Presidents and Full and Assistant Racing Officials - but not being duplicated where an individual holds more than one of these positions. Each Event Secretary will also receive a copy regardless of duplication - and each Club Secretary, where the Club has paid its affiliation fee will receive at least four copies for distribution within the Club - 1 has been posted - the others may also be posted or distributed at the first available opportunity. Please make sure Club copies are distributed appropriately.

It should be noted that while every effort was made to ensure the information is as accurate as possible no responsibility can be taken for errors and omissions especially from those Clubs that failed to respond in time to requests for information or changes that have taken place since 30th March when the handbook went to print.

A pdf version og the Handbook can also be dowloaded from downloads section of the H&D ARA Web Site -

Steve Bull, Association Secretary.

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