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The "Daily Echo Trophy" in Memory of Arthur Chatfield.

The "Daily Echo Trophy" in Memory of Arthur Chatfield.

The "Daily Echo Trophy" was presented to the Association in memory of the late Arthur Chatfield and is awarded annually,

at the Presentation Dinner, by the Association, to an individual

for Services to the Association and to Coastal Rowing.

It was agreed that Clubs would be asked to nominate candidates   for the award and that the Association's Executive Officers would make a final decision on who should receive the Trophy from those nominated. Nominations do not have to be, and arguably should  not be, from your own Club. It should be noted that the award is   for services to the Association and Coastal Rowing - and while    there are many deserving Club members who have made a significant contribution to their own Clubs - with this award we   seek to recognize significant contributions to our Association and    to Coastal Rowing.


Could your Club, therefore, please give consideration to who you may wish to nominate for this Trophy and send the nomination to me at 10, Brookfield Gardens, Binstead, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 3NP or by E Mail me at  and to by the 22ndth October, 2022.

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