Lymington Offshore Rowing Regatta. CANCELLED.

Good morning all,
So, as you no doubt have been too, we have been scrutinising the weather all week.
When we set out on the journey to launch the inaugural Lymington Offshore Rowing Regatta, we analysed the past 9 years' weather data for the area in an endeavour to ensure that we weren't 'flying a kite' with expectations of perfect conditions for such an event! The data supported our reasonable expectation that we could expect the prevailing SW winds to make an appearance and the choice of weekend was designed partly around the multiple rowing event calendars, partly to avoid bank holidays and significantly, to ensure that we had a neap, flood tide pretty much throughout the day on both Saturday and Sunday so that in the event of strong SW prevailing winds, we would have wind with tide conditions, thereby avoiding the notorious "Solent chop" of wind against tide conditions.
However, we all know and fully respect that our sport depends on the weather and sea-state and these should never be assumed or under-estimated. As communicated, earlier in the week, we had some concerns but it was only last night that the forecasts all really converged and increased, not only now to increase wind strengths of 20+knots gusting 30+knots but also all unequivocally concur on the NE easterly direction - the polar opposite to the hoped-for prevailing SW.
We have discussed the possibility of holding off a decision until tomorrow morning but fully appreciate the immense amount of preparation that goes into attending such an event and the distance that so many of you are travelling from. As a consequence, and given that the alignment of the forecasts means that they are unlikely to change significantly, we have taken the decision this morning to call the event off.
We can only thank you all for your huge support, enthusiasm and involvement in what would have undoubtedly been such a fabulous weekend and seek to reassure you that no-one is more disappointed than we are after the months of planning and coordination that has gone into establishing this new event. I can only reiterateLymingt a huge thank you to our brilliant partners and sponsors who have moved mountains to help establish this event. Particular thanks to:
- Lymington Town Sailing Club as our event partner and without whose exceptional support, enthusiasm and second-to-none safety boat expertise, house team, volunteer team and staff and members, the event would not have left the drawing board
- Versadock who have built and were providing a floating pontoon free of charge of the event,
- Versadock who have built and were providing a floating pontoon free of charge of the event,
- Rooster who still are designing a range of exceptional coastal rowing clothing, who have produced the event t-shirts and who have been preparing to be at the event for you all day on Saturday
to our boat suppliers LiteBoat, Swift, Filippi, Ave and Kangua all of whom have shown tremendous support of the event with the provision of pool boats for competitors to use at the event
- Bob Cottell at Coastal Rowing Centre who have supported with event consultancy and planning
- Rowing Adventures who have supported with event planning
- Neaves sponsorship of prizes
- Ryan Willegers, Lymington Harbour Master and his team who have been so brilliant supportive and enabling of the event throughout
- NFDC for the car park
- RLymYC for support of the event
- Lymington Rowing Club members for volunteer support and umpiring
- sponsors RWD, KDC and Bradbeers
and to you all for entering, supporting and sharing such enthusiasm for what, under 'normal' (!) weather conditions would have been just a brilliant weekend.
It goes without saying that entry fees will be refunded in full. We will start discussions about a potential reschedule of the event...
Thank you for your support and understanding, we hope to see you on the water soon and please get in touch at any time.
With kind regards,
Jane & the LORR team
Jane Wild
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